New Media

New media, as opposed to traditional media (newspapers, radio, television), is simply communication via digital means. Examples include social media platforms, YouTube, and podcasts.

 This page will continue to be updated with more resources, plus marketing benefits for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Stay tuned!


Marketing Benefits of YouTube


Are you using YouTube as a Content Creator?

“This can be done either by presenting strategic, academic thought leadership content (such as speeches/seminars), or by offering tips about a given field of knowledge, as demonstrated in this example from Sophos offering quick 1 minute IT security tips” (Nottingham, The Marketing Value of You).

A dedicated YouTube channel is almost a necessity for all brands, although Gary Vaynerchuk often says that you should start with pillar content that is native to you, and for his team, it’s video. Check out Gary Vaynerchuk’s Content Strategy here.