Christmas Eve Eve & Settlers of Catan

Christmas Eve Eve & Settlers of Catan

Anyone else cranky today? My mom, brother, and I are all high on the Quality Time aspect of the Five Love Languages. Last night, we stayed up until almost 3 AM playing my new favorite game of all time — Settlers of Catan. Have you played? It’s awesome. I...

And the Winner is . . .

[callout]Congratulations to Amber M. for winning the Chicken Soup for the Soul’s The Dating Game contest. Check your email — I’ve sent you instructions on how to redeem your prize. Thank you to everyone who participated! The book is now available...


Apparently “disagreement” is equivalent to “discrimination.” You can get away with doing or saying almost anything on television, as long as you don’t dare disagree with homosexuality. Because as we all know, when you disagree, you...
Three Reasons We Fail

Three Reasons We Fail

Failure is inevitable, but is not the sum of the whole. Last night, my cheerleaders took a whopping close-to-last-place “victory” in our third competition of the season. While we knew the performance might be bad, as we have two girls out for injuries,...

This struck a chord.

I subscribe to a limited number of blogs. When I’m scrolling through my emails in the morning, I don’t always read the ones I subscribed to, and if I delete them two days in a row, I unsubscribe since the content wasn’t worth the thirty seconds it...