The Blog

6 Reasons Why Scrivener is Better than Microsoft Word

6 Reasons Why Scrivener is Better than Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word has been my go-to for years...kinda because they seem to have taken the whole market. Everyone accepts Word, so you play by their rules and basically put up with any frustrations. Thanks to Scrivener, I left Word in the dust. Never looked back. I felt...

How to Put Worries in Their Place

How to Put Worries in Their Place

When I have something on my mind, I sometimes find it hard it hard to "let go." There are a million things to worry about and dozens of verses that tell us not to worry because God knows what we need and will take care of us. I trust that, so it's frustrating when I...

This Week’s Sneak Preview

Coming up this week: 1. How to create a worry book and put worries in their place! 2. Why Scrivener is a billion times better than Microsoft Word, plus a coupon code for 20% off! Don't miss a post! Enter your email address in the box in the right sidebar. Not only...

Never Chase a Guy – 3 Reasons Why

During a Pinterest procrastination session, I stumbled upon a gem of an article entitled "3 Reasons to Never Chase a Man." I was impressed that it was written by a guy. It makes my heart happy when men share this advice. Adds authenticity and a voice that we don't...

How the Car Line Helped Me Learn Patience

Our van has automatic doors. This was revolutionary, since our old van had automatic NOTHING. It goes to my head a little, when I can push a button on the ceiling and either side door will open on its own. It's the small things. However, the van doors do not...

2 Reasons to Wait to Have Sex

I remembered why I decided to wait to have sex as I listened to a podcast from Andy Stanley this morning on my way home from dropping off children at school. "I'm not the appetizer, I'm the dessert." [Tweet ""I'm not the appetizer, I'm the dessert." @yourmove...