The Blog
Sticky Notes
I bought your book, "The Cinderella Rule" last year but I hadn't read it, but last night before I got into bed I picked it up and didn't put it down. I took out my sticky notes and they are literally spilling out of your book. Your book is exactly what I needed....
Skype Session Awesomeness
I had the amazing awesome privilege to Skype with a small group in Grand Rapids, Michigan on Tuesday. They had used my book, The Cinderella Rule as a study. One of the sweet girls contacted me and we set up a Q&A session. I was beyond excited, and a little...
When God Says “No”
God doesn't normally tell me "no." Whoa...whoa...whoa... Such a bold statement, I know, but it's true. Most of the time, I ask for God's will to be done without being too specific on the request or how the request is to be fulfilled. Many times the answer is "yes" or...
Lesson Learned from Coffee and Counters
I got mad at my husband for this: The cord trapped a bit of spilled coffee, leaving a sticky residue. Now, I try to have my act together. In my mind, my house is a model-home. Show-ready. No dirt, dust, toddler footprint smudges on the wall, fingerprint smears on the...
Steele Stephens’ Poetry
I met Steele at the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference this past week. He sat at our table for dinner, and shared his pretty awesome poetry with us. Seriously, he is so sweet, I had to share him with you. Division Two minus one You must've lost interest...
Abusing the Friendship
I'm blogging at Choose Now Ministries today. Here's a preview: I’m at a ladies’ retreat…camping…with fellow Choose Now columnist Wendy Fitzgerald. We are both leading workshops, which start tomorrow. So I went to Target, bought a new shirt, and my sweet husband...