Hi friends!
This blog is for young women about relationships with guys, friends, and themselves. Yes, you have a relationship with yourself! Today, I’m blog-hopping.
Award-winning writer and author, Johnnie Donley, invited me to join her and other authors as we share what we’re writing, and why you’ll want to read it. Check her out . . . she’s FANTASTIC! Her book, Where Treasure Hides, will be available on Kindle early next year.
Here we go . . .
FYI, (WIP) = Work In Progress. 🙂
Title: The Cinderella Rule
Where did the idea come from?
Every generation of the girls in my youth group ask the same questions. I thought it would be great if I put all my answers into one place, so I started a blog. This way, when they went to college, they could get advice at any time, like I was sitting with them at Starbucks.
I made a proposal out of some of my posts and it was accepted by a publisher, as well as winning the Writer of the Year award at the conference.
winning Writer of the Year 2012 |
Genre: Young Adult Non-Fiction
What actors would play your character in a movie version?
Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling
My FABULOUS agent, Amanda Luedeke |
Short Synopsis:
The Cinderella Rule encourages young women to understand that God created them to be His crowning achievement and teaches them to insist that the guys in their life treat them as such. While it is fun to be pursued, readers will take an in-depth look at how young women should act when the guy worth pursuing them shows up.
How long did it take to write that first draft?
First draft? All the drafts run together. I think I went through nine or ten rewrites, and actually cut an entire chapter two days before I turned it in.
editing in blue ink was “kinder” than red |
What other books in this genre compare?
I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris
Dateable. Are You? Are They? by Hayley DiMarco
Who or what inspired the WIP?
I wrote it for the girls in my youth group, but several friends were willing to share their stories. I hope that every reader will be able to relate to someone’s experience.
Anything to add?
If more work is put into dating relationships, it can make marriage a whole lot easier.
Next Week’s Hopper:Rajdeep Paulus – YA fiction – free short story on her blog. Make sure you check her out next Wednesday!
Some other awesome writers:
Melissa Tagg – romantic comedy –
Made to Last releases fall 2013