Have you ever had food on your face…or anything on your face, for that matter, during a meal?
I’m at a conference in NC, and we are able to sit with agents, writers, and editors during meal times. Today, I chose to eat lunch with Ben Wolf, editor of Splickety magazine (of which I am Web Content editor for the Lightning blog, so check it out!)
So we’re eating, and I’m trying to be extremely careful. I can scarf down the messiest food if I’m at home with no spills, drips, or anything stuck between my teeth.
In public….different story. It’s like my face becomes a food magnet.
After I’m done, I grab my trusty little mirror and see a black something on my cheek. WHAT.
It’s not even food. It’s not even near my mouth.
How long has it been there?
I swipe my thumb at it and thankfully, it disappears. I think it was a tiny piece of mascara. Thanks a lot.
Shouldn’t we have a code word or symbol to tell someone they should check a mirror? I find it embarrassing when it happens to me and even more embarrassing if it happens to anyone else. I am not a good friend in this way.
Anyways, I have a little cut on my lip that looks like food, I’m sure, so I’m having this insecurity mini-crisis. There are more important things in the world, to be sure.
[reminder]What do you when you have something on your face or even better, if someone else at the table has something in their teeth. Do you tell them? Or do you pretend to not even notice? *Raising my hand*[/reminder]