When I have something on my mind, I sometimes find it hard it hard to “let go.” There are a million things to worry about and dozens of verses that tell us not to worry because God knows what we need and will take care of us. I trust that, so it’s frustrating when I can’t get those worry-thoughts out of my head.
During an episode of a show that I can’t remember the name of (curse those nights and days of Netflix binge-watching), a supporting character pulled a wooden box out from its hiding place under her bed. Did this come from a book instead of a show? Anyway…she shows her friend the scraps of paper that were inside (Redeeming Love? Some pirate book?).
On each piece of paper, she had written a worry or a prayer, and then when it was taken care of it, she wrote on the back. She was able to go through her box whenever she was sad and witness the evidence of God’s answered prayer.
I loved that.
There have been times during a church lesson where the preacher will ask, “Who can name something God has done for them?” and my mind goes blank. I stare straight ahead and think hard, but it’s like my mind is a dry erase board and everything is gone. Of course God has done numerous things for me — why is it hard for me to name just one?
I decided it was time to put worries in their place, and for me to have a way to show countless times that God answered my prayers — whether they be “yes,” “no,” or “wait.”
Instead of using a journal, where it would be hard to flip through just to find past prayers, I grabbed an index card three-ring binder, punched index cards, and a pack of foil stickers. I call it “Bethany’s Worry Book.”
Writing my worries and prayers in it helps get them out of my head. The physical act of writing it down before God, (He can read, you know), makes me feel like I’ve “let it go.” It may still be on my mind, but it’s no longer at the forefront.
I write the date and whatever worry it is — no matter how stupid or small.
Occasionally I go through and answer or update them on the reverse side. Once they are answered, they get a star sticker and get moved to the back.
I have a couple of sheets for prayer requests for other people. I find that I often forget that I promised to pray for someone, so this helps a little…I just have to remember to read through the list.
I hope you find this helpful. I like to read back over the things I’ve prayed for. It also serves as a tangible reminder that God doesn’t see my prayers as silly. Just the fact that He answers my small prayers reminds me that if He cares about those, He cares about the big ones, too.
I love this idea, Bethany!!
Also, I’ve read that somewhere too. The first thought that came to mind was that it was from Redeeming love, but I’m not certain.
I’m going to make one of these soon. Thanks for the great idea!
It was definitely the final clincher that made me do it, yes!!!! Great book.