by Bethany Jett | Dec 20, 2013 | Muses & Mullings
Apparently “disagreement” is equivalent to “discrimination.” You can get away with doing or saying almost anything on television, as long as you don’t dare disagree with homosexuality. Because as we all know, when you disagree, you...
by Bethany Jett | Dec 18, 2013 | Muses & Mullings
Failure is inevitable, but is not the sum of the whole. Last night, my cheerleaders took a whopping close-to-last-place “victory” in our third competition of the season. While we knew the performance might be bad, as we have two girls out for injuries,...
by Bethany Jett | Oct 18, 2013 | Muses & Mullings
Good morning, my darling sweet one on the other side of the screen. I had this amazing post that I was going to write today, and did it happen??? Negatory. Do you feel like you’re juggling way too many plates? Wearing five-too-many hats (hopefully cute ones)?...
by Bethany Jett | Oct 11, 2013 | Muses & Mullings
I love reality television. While I’m not afraid to admit it, I do need to clarify. I don’t loveĀ all reality tv. I don’t like watching shows with lots of girl-fights, sex, or crudeness. At one time, I wouldn’t have minded it so much, but as...
by Bethany Jett | Oct 4, 2013 | Muses & Mullings
Sometimes people are just plain ol’ nasty. Nasty. Nasty. Nasty. Nasty. Nasty. Someone was disgustingly horrible to my husband a few months ago, and in the process of berating him, this person decided to drag me, our children, and people we loved down the tunnel...
by Bethany Jett | Aug 28, 2013 | Muses & Mullings
Music is awesome. We have dance parties weekly at my house, and last night the boys had a blast. My five-year-old wanted to dance with his daddy like we did at our wedding, and instead of running for my camera, I sat at our table and watched them, face-to-face, talk...